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Never Alone

Have you ever been in a cave before? Something amazing and terrible happens when a person takes flashlight into the middle of the cave and turns it off. One minute, everything exists around you bathed in the little bit of light in your hand eminating from the small device. The next moment you click a button with your thumb at the bottom of the flashlight and everything is swallowed in immense darkness. The darkness is so thick, that you can feel it. Any direction you look is darkness.

Imagine if you weren't just turning off your light, but rather, that it was going out on it's own with no way to turn it back on. Life can be that way at times. It can be difficult to see any hope. What you thought would be your light for so long, has now flickered and gone out. You are deep in that cave too! Rocks above you and below you, and a seemingly endless labrynth before you. When going a few feet with a flashlight was a breeze, now the very thought of taking any steps seems impossible. You are frozen in time and space. Where do you go? Or for that matter where do you turn? Can you even turn.

There's good news for you and me friend! We are not alone in this cave. Every person around us may have disappeared, but we are not alone! You and I are not forsaken! It is only when the old light that we had thought was lighting our way so well goes out, be that money, friends, a job, a partner, husband wife, you name it, that we look for another source of light. Where can you and I find that in today's hectic world? Seems that everyone around us has lost their lights too. Lights are going out all over the place, but we don't need to be discouraged.

2 Corinthians 4:6 says:

" For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

Yes friend, you may be discouraged, but look at Jesus! He is and will always be the true light.

Now taking the REAL Light the cave is flooded with a brightness that makes it as bright as day. The way out is clearly seen, and best of all, you now realize that you were never alone in the darkness. He was by your side the whole way, and now leads you out of that cave.

Whether you are just making your way into this cave, or you have gone deep into it, Jesus is going to help you out if you will allow Him. Ask Him to give you light friend! Ask Him to lift the clouds of darkness and discouragement. Ask Him to take your hand, and with Him walk to freedom! Freedom from worry, or fear and distress. Not because they will not happen, Jesus has assured us that in this world we will have trouble, but to take heart because He has overcome the world. Yet to take heart because when Jesus is with us we have nothing to fear. I like how John puts it in John 1:5: "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overpowered it."(NCV)

As great as this story is, at this point it is only a blog typed out by someone. Though the verses themselves are filled with power, the choice is yours. You can read this, and then set it aside, and miss out on what God wants to do in your life. Or you can make it real by talking to Him and telling Him what is going on in your life. Then allow Him to answer you through His Word. I suggest starting with the books of Matthew Mark Luke and John. You can throw what you were using to light your path away, and pick up the True Light!

Picking up the light is the true inviting of God into your life. So what are you waiting for? This is not some story, this is your and my life. We must turn to Jesus and tell Him everything. He has waited long for you! Go to Him! Tell Him everything. He will take you out of darkness!

"The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, To the person who seeks Him."

-Lamentations 3:25 (NASB)

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