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Sermon Series

Pillars of Truth

The Gift of Time

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

Our loving Creator has given us the gift of time to build a relationship with Him.  Discover what God made and blessed many years ago.  You may find a hidden treasure that will change your life!

What Happens In Earth's Final Hour

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

The Bible tells us that Christ's coming will be one of the most magnificent events ever in the history of this planet.  In this message, Pastor Vic examines the manner in which Christ returns and talks about how to be ready for Jesus's soon return.

Our Steps to Jesus

Saturday, September 3, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

The gospel is an amazing truth. Although life changing, many people still have a hard time properly understanding the gospel message. How is one saved? More importantly, what steps are involved in coming to Jesus? This message can impact your life like none other.

How to Defeat A Dragon

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

The Bible reveals that we are in a spiritual war between good and evil. As time approaches the end, the devil works diligently to destroy God’s people. Learn how to defeat the dragon and become a victorious follower of Jesus.


Take Heed!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

There were signs in Noah's day which indicated that a flood was coming.  Sadly, the people ignored the signs and continued a path of sin and pleasure.  As a result, many were destroyed by the flood waters.   Years later Jesus gave signs of what to expect just prior to His soon return.  Are we seeing the signs?  How are we allowing these to change how we live and what we do?  It is time to get ready for the end!


A Worldwide Flood

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

Does the flood story go along with the truth about who God is?  Does it go along with evidence of geology?  What shall we do with the biblical flood story?  The answer to this question is arguably the most controversial issue in the great debate between creationists and evolutionists.  In this message we will examine some recent findings which show in fact the Genesis account is true.  Through these new discoveries we are able to gain greater confidence in God's word.   

The Rainbow Promise

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

Amid the most incredible catastrophe this planet has ever experienced God sends a visible sign of His faithfulness and mercy, designed to inspire faith through every generation.  As we study His covenant promise, we see God's majestic love for mankind.


The Last Night On Earth

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Vic V. Schaik

Similar to Noah's day, the conditions on earth will become progressively worse.  At some point in the near future, God's door of mercy will close and He will have to bring an end to sin and rebellion upon the earth once more.  In order to make it safely through the coming storm, God has provided an ark of refuge.  We must choose by faith to accept the refuge He has provided. 


Man Of Faith

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Aaron Clark

There is so much to pull us away from God in these final days.  Like Noah, we too can stand true to God in a godless word.  Noah's experience challenges us to have an indomitable faith in the Lord, to have a clear vision of His will, and to have the courage to follow through with our convictions. 


The Last Message To The World

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Vic V. Schaik

What role does doctrine have?  Is it an end to itself or a means to an end?  Who is the center of all truth?  What is the last message sent to the world before Jesus returns?


Matters Of The Heart

By Faith Alone

Saturday, November 15,  2014

Vic V. Schaik

  How does one grow in his or her Christian life?  Is the process of justification different from sanctification?  What role does the Holy Spirit have in the life of the new believer?


The Root Issue

Saturday, November 1 , 2014

Vic V. Schaik

How does conversion take place?  What is the biggest issue that must be dealt with when it comes to salvation?  Once this is dealt with then one can be assured of salvation even though there is much growth to take place.


Television Schedule

Saturday mornings at 11:00am

Hope for Life TV with Pastors Vic Van Schaik and Aaron Clark on WRTV Channel 6.1 (Indianapolis Area)


Comcast Channel 6


Dish Network Channel 6


DIRECTV Channel 6


Bright House Channel 7

Sunday mornings at 5:30 am

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

on WXIN Channel 59.1 (Indianapolis Area)

Comcast Channel 11

Dish Network Channel 59

DIRECTV Channel 59

Bright House Channel 11

Sola Scriptura!

Discover Bible Guides

Discover Bible Study Guides transparency.png

These Bible study guides are simple, easy to use, and answer some of life's challenging questions, such as:

  • Why does God permit suffering and dying

  • What is the secret to a happy life?

  • Is there hope for our chaotic world?

© HFLTV 2024

Address: 15205 Westfield Blvd Carmel, IN

Phone Number: 1-877-730-HOPE

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