Sharing The Hope of Christ With The World
A Better You
Episode 1: Making the Best Choices
Episode Description
Join Pastor Vic and Pastor Aaron as they talk about the choices we make and what the Bible has to say about their importance.

Episode 2: Finding the Best Rest
Episode Description
In this episode, Pastor Vic and Pastor Aaron take a look at what the Bible has to say about physical rest, and spiritual rest.

Episode 3: Living in the Best Environment
Episode Description
Pastor Vic and Pastor Aaron take a look at 8 principles of health, and in this episode talk about the type of environment the Bible says we should live in.

Episode 4: Looking for the Best Activities
Episode Description
In this episode, Pastor Aaron and Pastor Vic take a look at what the Bible has to say about activity concerning three different areas: the physical, the mental, and the spiritual.

Episode 5: Trusting the Best Person
Episode Description
Join us as we examine biblical passages that reveal the benefits of trusting God and how we can cultivate deeper faith in Him. Whether you're a long-time viewer or new to this series, we invite you to grab your Bible and a notebook and journey with us toward a better, more fulfilling life.

Episode 6: How to Have the Best Relationships
Episode Description
In this video Pastor Vic and Pastor Aaron look at some principles the Bible gives us for our interpersonal relationships and how we can improve them.