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Daniel and Revelation Video Studies (Page 2)

11.  How The Little Horn Changed God's Law

How did the Little Horn come to a point where it actually thought it could change God's Law.  Click the Video to the left ot learn more!

12. Did God Authorize the Little Horn to Change The Sabbath?

Did God authorize the little horn power to change the Sabbath day?  Join us as we look at what God's Word has to say on this topic.  Click the video to the right to watch.

13 Part 1. Daniel's Longest Time Prophecy

In this study we take a look at the longest time prophecy in the book of Daniel.  Click to learn more!

13 Part 2. Daniel's Longest Time Prophecy

In this study we take a look at the longest time prophecy in the book of Daniel.  Click to learn more!

14 & 15.  What is the Santuary & Daniel's Prediction of the Judgement

The United States has a justice system, but did you know that God does too?   Join us for this incredible study as we look at the early Israelite Santuary and an incredible glimpse into the Judgement hall of God.

16. The Judgement Continues

The Millenium, a bottomless pit, and the devil thrown into it for a thousand years.  What does it all mean.  You won't want to miss this exciting study.  Simply click the video to watch the program.

17. When Daniel Goes to Heaven

The topic on what happens when you die has been a much debated one.  In this Bible Study we will take a look at what the Bible has to say about death.

18. The Final Phase of the Judgement

Is there a real place called hell? Are people there burning forever.  You won't want to miss this exciting study!  Click the video to watch.

19. The Small Test With Big Results

In this study we take another look at the incredible story found in Daniel Chapter 3.  You won't want to miss the deeper look into this topic!

20. What if Nebuchadnezzar Were Converted Today

This study focuses on the process of conversion, and what would have happened if Nebuchadnezzar had become a converted person today.  We hope you will enjoy this important Bible study.

21. The King of the North

Join us as we look into the identity of the king of the north.  Click the video to the left to learn more.

Television Schedule

Saturday mornings at 11:00am

Hope for Life TV with Pastors Vic Van Schaik and Aaron Clark on WRTV Channel 6.1 (Indianapolis Area)


Comcast Channel 6


Dish Network Channel 6


DIRECTV Channel 6


Bright House Channel 7

Sunday mornings at 5:30 am

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

on WXIN Channel 59.1 (Indianapolis Area)

Comcast Channel 11

Dish Network Channel 59

DIRECTV Channel 59

Bright House Channel 11

Sola Scriptura!

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  • Why does God permit suffering and dying

  • What is the secret to a happy life?

  • Is there hope for our chaotic world?

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Phone Number: 1-877-730-HOPE

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